What is the User_bmp.ini?
MM&MM screen saver drawers train. If you would like to join in here, simple send a drawing of your containers to info@user-bmp-ini.de

What is the User_bmp.ini?

What the User_bmp.ini is and what is written in the User_bmp.ini.

In the MM&MM screensaver from version 3 user may include own graphics to the screensaver. This goes normaly by using the editor integrated into the screensaver where it is possible to put in who the graphic is, the name of it and what the screensaver shall do with.
The screensaver then generates a file named "User_bmp.ini" where is saved where the user graphics are and what the screensaver shall do with.

Such a entry looks like the following one:

{LocoStart}FILE=C:\Programme\MM_Bahn_V3\pierre ofzareck\eloks\1103maus.dib;LABEL=DB 110 "25 Jahre die Sendung mit der Maus";GT=E;EPOCHE=5;ULAND=BRD;OL=J;SAR=J;EXEMPLARE=1;ZG=63;ZUG=DB4_D,DGS,DB5_IR;SELECTED=1;{LocoEnd}

Explanation (* = variable):

Here with starts every new entry in the User_bmp.ini.

FILE=***; (in this example: C:\Programme\MM_Bahn_V3\pierre ofzareck\eloks\1103maus.dib)
Here are declared, where the drawing is placed. This entry will be closed by a semicolon (;) like any other as well. If the screensaver can not find such a file the entry will be deleted from the screensaver automatically. So it is regardless if the Common_bmp.ini will be inclouded, but not all trains from this project shall really inserted into the screensaver. The screensaver will see the broken links and will simply delete the unused entries. If new trains from the project shall be inclouded, the Common_bmp.ini file must be installed new as well.

LABEL=***; (in this example: DB 110 "25 Jahre die Sendung mit der Maus")
Here is written the graphic caption, the screensaver shal display if the option "show captions" is marked. This is possible in any language by limit of the usable font set.

GT=*; (in this example: E)
Here is written which type of loco the grapic is. Which values are also possible (also for the further entries) is written in the table underneeth.

EPOCHE=*; (in this example: 5)
Operating time period of the vehicle. So it shall made impossible that vehicles with different operating time periods be struck together in the same train. Unfortunately the MM&MM screensaver has here a bug so this wont work correctly at all times.

ULAND=*; (in this example: BRD)
country of the vehicle

OL=*; (in this example: J)
Show catenary.

SAR=*; (in this example: J)
Picture or part picture for drive direction left available.
Here with the drawings of the pantographs will be included, which schows the right one up for drive direction left. Also one direction vehicles or complete trains might be inclouded this way. This ones are in konfiguration just one time. Here it is to obey that if only a different pantograph shall go up it is only nessesary to include a part picture which shows only the part from the roof to the catenary for do so. The screensaver will then overlay the picture with this part picture (saves space at the hard disk).

EXEMPLARE=*; (in this example: 1)
Here is written how many vehicles it has had already from the drawed one. With this it will made impossible that single vehicles will be on the screen more than one time or this vehicle (if the variables are given) is inclouded into a train twice.

ZG=*; (in this example: 63)
Here are written the type of train.

ZUG=*; (in this example: DB4_D,DB5_IR)
Here are pointed the trains integrated in the screensaver which shall be coupled to the loco inserted in the screensaver. Unfortunately the names of the MM&MM trains are not documented so that it is only possible to couple them by using the user interface if the name of the train is unknown.

SELECTED=*; (in this example: 1)
here are written, if the user defined train is selected or not, or showed in the screensaver or not. In the user interface this is the checkbox in front of the vehicle which can be marked or not.

Here with every entry of the User_bmp.ini ends.

Also possible but not in the description entry showed entrys:

Detail about the catenary height in pixels over the track. 58 pixels are standard and do not need to be written.

detail about drive direction. This is for vehicles just can move in one direction (eg. complete trains).

Here can be declared if the engine is a shunting engine or not.

Here might be declared special movings (see table for details). Careful with "FLAG=16". This parameter is not really developed to its end, because it will be showed always every vehicle from the same vehicle category, without any care to any other selected parameter. For this reason this Entry just should be used if you are want to write an self-sufficient User_bmp.ini which just shll run with with particular defined vehicles.

Here can be choosen if a train might be "pushed as well" (push-pull train or railcar). The train may also stop at the screen and drives of backing.

Here might be declared the "type based" speed limit, thatfore a shunting engine does not run over the screen like a HST with 125 mph.

Here can be declared a minimum speed. This is mostly recomended with animated vehicles with big wheels and rod drive. Such vehicles do not look good anymore if they are slow down too much because of the moving phases are to be seen in every single frame.

Here it can be choosen if the inserted engine is useable for double traction or not.

Phasis lenght. Here is declared after how many pixels the picture scrolls over the screen the next frame shall be showed. This value must be variable, because it is different with every wheel diameter and type of vehicle and has to be tested individual.

Table of the entries and variables in the User_bmp.ini

from Jörg Petri (FLAGS updated by my own)

Keyword Discription possible Value Examples
FILE Path and file name   FILE=C:\MM_Bahn_V3\
NTG8 rechts.dib
LABEL Vehicle name maximum 255 fonts LABEL=NTG8 "Leipzig"
GT Vehicle type
D Dampflok (Steam engine)
E Elektrolok (Electric engine)
V Diesellok (Diesel engine)
DT Dampftriebwagen (Steam railcar)
ET Elektrotriebwagen (Electric railcar)
EA Akkutriebwagen (Battery railcar)
VT Dieseltriebwagen (Diesel railcar)
ES Straßenbahn (Tram)
VB Bus (Bus)
VZ Zweiwegefahrzeug (2-way vehicle)
X sonstige (others)
ULAND Basis country
BRD Deutschland (DB) (Germany)
DDR Deutschland (DR) (East Germany)
CH Schweiz (SBB) (Switzerland)
F Frankreich (SNCF) (France)
NL Niederlande (Netherland)
B Belgien (SNCB) (Belgium)
H Ungarn (MAV) (Hungaria)
PL Polen  (PKP) (Poland)
DK Dänemark (DSB) (Danmark)
JP Japan (Japan)
Privat Privat (Privat)
OL Catenary
J with catenary
N without catenary
OLH Catenary height
- n heigher than 58 pixels
+ n lower than 58 pixels
means a catenary height
of 54 pixels
SAR Picture for right pantograph
J Picture available
n    maximum specimens of a vehicle
RICHTUNG Driving direction
R Drives to right only
L Drives to left only
RANGIER Shunting engine
J     Usage as shunting engine possible
FLAGS Additional
variables might be added
n Variable
2 Train stops and goes again
16 more than one vehicle at one track
32 connection track
64 Transrapid drive way bar
1024 Snow for the Snow plough/blower
WZ Push-pull train
J push-pull is possible
VMAX Maximum speed   VMAX=6
VMIN Minimum speed   VMIN=2
DT Double traction
J   Double traction is possible
PHASENLAENGE Phasis lenght = wheelspeed of
animated engines
n    Number of pixels until the next frame
ZG Train type
More than one variable might be added
n Variable
1 Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge (High speed trains)
2 sonstiger Fernverkehr (other long distance trains)
4 Nah- und Regionalverkehr (local traffic)
8 Güterzüge (Goods trains)
16 Privatbahnen (Privat trains)
32 sonstige Züge (other trains)
ZUG Train   usable with the following trains... ZUG=RFI,RFG

Example entry:
{LocoStart}FILE=C:\Programme\MM_Bahn_V3\NEK1\Europa\Straßenbahn\Kt4d trakt Berlin orange rechts.dib;LABEL=KT4D Traktion "Berlin";GT=ES;EPOCHE=4-5;ULAND=DDR;OL=J;RICHTUNG=R;ZG=63;SELECTED=1;{LocoEnd}

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