This disk includes the unofficial KVB (Kölner-Verkehrsbetriebe AG)-screensaver 1999 in three different versions:
KVB-99c.scr The trams ride from left to right and back
KVB-99clt.scr with logos and subtitles
KVB-bus99.scr The KVB Bus screensaver
For installation just run the exe file KVB-xxxx.exe you want to install
on your system . The now started installation routine just installs the
kvb-xxxx.scr to your windows directory. There are no more files copied.
If you want to remove the screensaver, just delete the KVB-xxxx.scr
file from your windows directory.
The three screensavers are freeware. But I would be glad if I would recive a message from users who like it.
Shareware distributors get only the permission to distribute all three screen savers on one disk and just for bearing their costs of the copy (price for the disks and the efford for copying). It is not allowed to sell the programm itself. the divorce of the three screensavers to different disks is also not allowed. Also it is forbidden to decompile or to take particular parts of the progamm. If my screensavers should be taken for a shareware CD or to an Internet file, I want to be confirmed and if it´s a CD I want a specimen copy.
The drawings are made by my own. If you want to use it, it needs my permission. That for just contact me at the e-mail adress below.
Exclusion of liability:
Under no circumstances I will take the liability for any damages, data
losses and resulting damages or whatever worse.
If you have problems with the programm and only then, send a message
at the subject matter "Screen Saver Studio" to the company:
Kelly-Data GmbH
Lilienthalstr. 3
D-82178 Puchheim Germany
For questions, suggestions und critical statements send a mail to:
Have fun with the screen savers
Pierre Ofzareck